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Showing results 1 to 20 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-09Automated face detection and recognition system for video surveillanceAnwarul, Shahina
2023-09Biomarker based multi class classification of alzheimer diseaseShukla, Amar
2016-04Data driven framework for real-time machine learning based prediction on vehicle on-board diagnostic (OBD) dataVasa, Yashkumar U.
2016-04Data redundancy removal in object databases using clustering techniquesRaichaudhuri, Rittika
2022-09Deep learning based localization and segmentation of wrist fractures in bone X-raysJoshi, Deepa
2022-08Design multimodality volumetric CNN for Alzheimer prediction using brain biomarkersGoenka, Nitika
2013-04E-leaning Solution using LAMP technology: Integrating the power of Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHPGarg, Ina; Sharma, Shivam
2021-10Efficient caching with network partitioning in content centric networkKumar, Sumit
2024-07Efficient data sharing approach in blockchain for smart healthcareSharma, Deepak Kumar
2022-09Efficient mobility model and routing technique for sparse flying ADHOC networkAgarwal, Juhi
2023-12Energy efficient container placement and consolidation technique in cloud data centerKatal, Avita
2021-12Ensemble-based algorithm for efficient classification of real time data streamsArya, Monika
2024-04Game theoretic approach for tiger behavioral pattern prediction: a telemetry data approachChoudhary, Richa
2016-04Hand gesture recognition and tracking using image processing techniquesChauhan, Shardul Singh
2016-04Human action recognition using multi-channel spatio-temporal interest pointsPurohit, Ayush
2021-12Lion re-id: a non-invasive method for individual identification of Asiatic lionsHermon, Glen Bennet
2023-04Machine learning model to identify and prevent the occurrence of adaptive thermogenesisChakradar, Madam
2022-06Novel approach for robust data security using homomorphic transformVishnoi, Ankit
2015-05Performance analysis for intrusion detection using data mining techniquesShivhare, Radhika
2023-04Real time pixelated camouflage texture generationChoudhary, Sachi